Parent Resources
Teacher Resources
LPECC Quick Information and Requirements
1. Carline Tentatively-AM-7:30-7:55 & PM-2:00-2:25 Breakfast is served until 7:55. Please have your child here by7:45 if they will eat breakfast provided by the school. Instructional time begins at 7:55.
2. All children should be dropped off and picked up through the carline. Staff will be provided to assist them out of and into the vehicles. Walk-up arrival and dismissal will not be allowed during carline due to traffic safety concerns.
3. For safety-anyone (even parents) picking up a child must provide the LPECC issued Name Tag or proof of identity and be on the child’s approved pick up list.
4. If your child is absent, arrives late, or must be picked up early, please provide an official medical/therapy excuse for documentation. Truancy is notified of all absences, tardies, and early dismissals. Only an official excuse signed by a certified professional will automatically be considered excused by Truancy . After 10 unexcused absences, your child may be removed from the school. Our attendance is computerized and monitored closely.
5. LPECC Dress Code
Pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers, etc.- tan/khaki
Shirts-plain red, black, white
Shoes-Only tennis shoes This is a safety precaution.
6. Personal Items-Please label any item your child will carry or wear into the school with their first and last name. Children often misplace items.
7. The school cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch each day. Breakfast should be eaten before entering the building unless your child is going to eat the breakfast provided by the school. If you prefer to send a lunch, it must arrive with the child so we can send an accurate lunch count to the cafeteria. This must be a ready to eat, easy to open meal that does not require adult assistance in a lunchbox or sack labeled with the child’s name. Soda is not allowed in the cafeteria. Water, milk, and 100% juice are acceptable.
8. Parents/guardians should set up Remind on phones to receive LPECC information. Teachers will provide specific information during individual meetings in August.