Carline drop-off time

7:30 - 7:55 AM

This will possibly change.

Carline pick-up time:

2:00 — 2:25 PM

This will possibly change.

All general education students should arrive and exit through the front carline due to traffic safety concerns. Staff will be available to assist children during carline times.

Instructional time begins at 7:55. Children should be in their classrooms.

If a child must arrive after 7:55, a parent/guardian is required to walk them into the building and sign them in as tardy. Late arrivals, absences, and early departures are reported to Truancy. They will be considered excused if an official excuse is provided that is signed and dated by a medical professional.

Breakfast is served 7:30-7:55. Please feed your child breakfast at home or have your child here by 7:45 if you want them to eat the breakfast provided in the cafeteria. Outside food is not allowed into the cafeteria during breakfast.

Childcare vans and buses must use the side exit unless they arrive after 2:15.

Children are provided with LPECC Carline Name Tags. For the safety of the children this must be visible to receive any child through carline. If it is not provided, the driver must enter the building, present an official ID, be found on the approved pick-up list, receive a signed permission slip, then get at the end of the carline to receive the child. We want to make sure that all children are safe and are leaving with someone the parent/guardians have approved.

Children of LPECC employees may enter or leave the building with their parent before or during carline. Time requirements vary for employees.

We are very excited about the new school year. We have posted information that we felt would be most beneficial to families on this website. If you cannot find the information you desire, please call 513-1470 between 7:00-2:00. We will be very happy to try to help you.

LPECC Dress Code 2024-2025

Pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers, etc.- khaki/tan only

Shirts-solid red, black, white

Shoes-tennis shoes only This is a safety precaution-even on dress down days and field trips.

On field trips children will wear a classroom shirt that may be purchased online after school begins in August. Each class will have a different color.

On dress down days and celebration days, children may wear comfortable clothing of their choice and tennis shoes.

LPECC Staff-513-1470

Toni Adkins Special Education Paraprofessional

Jennifer Breeding Special Education Teacher

Amy Brister Early Childhood Coordinator

Christine (Mechelle) Brown Special Education Teacher

Rachel Brown Pre-K Teacher

Carla Castle Special Education Paraprofessional

H. Blake Collie Special Education Teacher

Amanda Colvin Paraprofessional

Elisha Cunningham Special Education Paraprofessional

Julie Dowden Pre-K Teacher

Samantha Garner Pre-K Teacher

M. Ali Garriga Pre-K Teacher

Kara Giddings Special Education Paraprofessional

Sammy Hill-Paraprofessional

Tiffany Hill Special Education Inclusion Teacher

Alvin Johnson Custodian

Melinda Killen Coordinating Teacher

Janie Kirby School Nurse

Diamond Melton-Parafessional

Valeria Mitchell Paraprofessional

Lisa Nelson Full Time Custodian

Angela Odom Cafeteria Technician

Mary Perry Head Custodian

Kristen Poe Special Education Teacher

Erica Powell Special Education Paraprofessional

Kristy Powell Pre-K Teacher

Tina Puckett School Nurse

Heather Roussell Pre-K Teacher

Daphne Scott Special Education Paraprofessional


Jamila Tellis Paraprofessional

Sabrina Villarreal Special Education Paraprofessional

Lesley Wells Secretary/Bookkeeper

Linda Willis Paraprofessional